Sunday, February 27, 2011

Night Out

I know the picture is bad, but it's the best I could do under the rushed/secret circumstances.

I went with Martin, Brittnie, and Addie to West J last week.
We had homework to do, and sleep that was needed, but we just decided, why not?

So we had a hilarious taxi ride, where we asked the cab driver who the baby in the picture was that was hanging from his (massive) rearview mirror. He had no idea. We wandered around, bought ice cream, perused a used book store, listened to street performers, and happened upon a cat lady!
Seriously, she was in this alley/courtyard area, and was surrounded by cats! We were fascinated. Most especially by a massive gorilla-like cat in the middle. It had a collar, so we figured, somebody is feeding that thing besides her. Fun :)



  1. ahhhh those cats/that lady are making me cringe right now. too many!!!

  2. That is so sick. Cats should not be in flocks. and I love that you just went out on the town. Rebels!! sorry I'm just catchin up on all of these posts and LOVING life.
