Thursday, February 10, 2011

Double Birthday

We had the funnest time celebrating Rach and Chels' birthdays on Wednesday! These two turned 20, and I'm so glad that they let us share the beginning of their next decade with them.

We had pizza in the Old City, with delicious lemonade and mint. Holy cow, the lemonade was fantastic.

Then some singing and gummy eating and catch phrase ringing at the Austrian Hospice.

I loved it, because I love these two and my friends here so much!

Happy birfday goils. And shoutout to Taylor and Callie too :) Happy birthday bro and sis.

PS, the top picture shows how Kaitlin and I feel about our Islam class sometimes. :)


  1. I love the picture on the top of your blog. You're so pretty!

  2. Fun! I love the new blog header too - and your friends look so cute. Can you have a reunion later so I can meet all of them?

    p.s wish we were twins.

  3. nice blog header. i want some lemonade with mint....
