Thursday, February 10, 2011

Camel and Felukah

Sunset on the Nile

Our Felukahs

Not-so-good pic of me on my camel, Cassanova

Jessica Moose + Jessica Madson

(My posts are not in chronological order, but this is as good as it's going to get)
In Luxor we had such an incredible day! First of all, we were staying the Sheraton, which is never too shabby. So we took a felukah/sailboat ride along the Nile. In Cairo the Nile was kinda gross looking..saw some people doing things in it that were...gross. But Luxor is farther south, and it was gorgeous!

The camel ride was so crazy! My little guide didn't really speak English, but definitely asked me if I have a husband..and if I want one. That made for an awkward 45 minute ride. Haha, not really.

The camel was so high off the ground. It was super jostle-y, especially when it ran. But it made me laugh really hard and I got used to it really fast. And my main thought as I sat atop my ride "I can't believe that I'm riding a camel next to the Nile in Egypt." Being on the camel as it was standing up or kneeling down was the scariest part, but I'd definitely do it again in a heartbeat.
The Nile was so pretty there and smelled like boating. I broke the rules and put my hand in the water. It felt like regular water, and maybe my hand will be withered eventually, but it was worth it.


  1. cassanova..... i love it. i told emmy you rode a camel and we sang "alice the camel" together in your honor.

  2. Jess - that water was once BLOOD :)

    Cassanova is a pretty perfect name for a camel. Especially when the guy practically proposed. Green card anyone?

  3. Hahaha. I love the image of you freaking out a little when the camel knelt down! I can't believe you got to ride a Egypt. That is so amazing. Here's to the hope that you come back to America with both hands!

  4. I Can Hear you laughing as the Camel was standing up! hahah You are living the DREAM!!!
