Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New shtuff: Third Week In

I don't have very much time to write! But I have to put this up before I leave for Egypt! First pic, me blowing a horn at Jericho. Bringing the wall down.

Beautiful view from the Hurva synagogue.

My roommates and I at the Garden Tomb. What a cool experience. We had a great testimony meeting.

First shwarma in the city!

Me and my man clothes. Plus, great photography by my roommate Kaitlin.

Eating pure chocolate souffle in West Jru. The chocolate on the teeth...gets 'em every time :)

Chelsea and I at Tel Jericho. Matching BYU.

In the Judean Wilderness.

St. Georg's Monastery, built out of a rock!

The remains of King Herod's Temple

Trail at Jericho. Where we read about the Good Samaritan.

Me and the wilderness.

We're going to Egypt in the morning, so I'll be out for the week! But will come back having been to Africa, the pyramids, and a camel ride.
Some men here are creepy, and the classes are tough, and it is so busy, and I just got called to be a seminary teacher. But, this will be great.


  1. Blowing the Horns at Jericho looks awesome!! And what an awesome experience being at the Garden Tomb! Oh wow! I'm so jealous of you. What do you mean you're a seminary teacher?? for reals? like you teach high school kids early in the morning?? How do you have time for this?!

  2. Seminary Teacher? Crazy stuff. But those pictures look absolutely AMAZING. I hope you are having an awesome time in Egypt land. Can't wait to hear about it when you get back.

  3. Miss your emails, You will be a great seminary teacher.

  4. Seminary Teacher!!? Wow. And Jess, you are seeing the coolest things! St. George's monastery was the most brilliant thing I've ever seen. Wow. I hope you're having fun in Egypt! We thought about you and the camels today. I love you!

  5. If a camel spits on you, you should spit back. :)
