Monday, January 10, 2011

1 Week in the Holy Land

Despite massive amounts of homesickness, things are improving here. Mainly from great advice from mom that things take time :) I don't need to know everyone or do everything in one week. We went on a great field trip to a couple sites around Jeru. This pic is from the 7 Arches Hotel. It had an amazing overlook and from there we could see where the ancient city of David was, and other cool landmarks around the city.
We went to the Augusta Victoria. It's a Christian Church, on the Mt. of Olives, named after the German's wife who built it. It's the Lutheran's church of the Acension, because Christ ascended into heaven from the Mt. of Olives. We went to the top of it and had an incredible view of around the city.
This is Nabi-Samwill. Forever it was mistakenly believed to the death place of Samuel, but it wasn't. There is a mosque on top, and a synagogue on bottom. We wrapped scarves around us and went to the synagogue.

This view is also at Nabi Samwill, and from here we could see the West Bank, and the wall that divides Israel and the West Bank. We looked out to where Solomon built his temple and asked the Lord for wisdom. It was a really cool thought; that God loves when we have righteous desires.

Wailing Wall. Some Jews come here everyday and recite the entire book of Psalms. There were so many little prayer papers stuffed in the crevices, it was really cool.
And, the Rock.
So gorgeous up close. I was expecting a gray mass, but it was really pretty.

There I am, in my fanny pack glory.
Don't ask.


  1. Fanny packs are the best, let's be honest. I actually found you through Mandy's blog, and I love that you're in Jeru! Two of my good friends are there right now--Stacey Forsyth and Lani Livingston. Find them and be friends with them!

  2. Yes, find them! Lani will provide entertainment and show you a good time no matter the circumstances...
    I love the pics of you and heids! And how come every picture looks like a beautiful painting?! So cooool.

  3. Fanny pack!! And the Dome of the Rock is really pretty. Your outfits are actually really not bad.

  4. And you make fun of ME!?!? Rude. Jess, this is amazing. I can't believe you're really there. This is my dream all of a sudden. Share the love. Fly me there with you.
