Friday, January 14, 2011

Jewish Sabbath

Tonight was amazing!
We went to the Old City after classes at 5. Normally we have to be outside of the Old City by dark, but we went as a big group to the Western Wall to see the beginning of the Jewish Sabbath, which starts at sundown on Thursday and goes through Friday.

Earlier in the day we learned what exactly the Western Wall is. It is not the old wall of the temple, but part of the old wall that surrounded the old city that the temple was in. It's the last remaining thing, and so it's considered very sacred.

There were tons of people in the square! The men and women go to different sides and put slips of paper in the wall, their prayers. And people are chanting psalms and it's just so amazing to see how religious they are. I touched the wall, (which has stones from Jesus' time! Ancient Herodian stones) and put a prayer in. There were lots of girls dancing and singing, so some of us joined in their songs, it was a lot of fun. And it was just so cool to see so many people worshipping together. I talked to some girls on a birthright tour, where they come for 10 days to the Holy Land from the states.

And these are from the last couple days. Trying a Nok Out bar...which are so good! Walking on the rooftop of Jerusalem, eating ice cream, looking at the Dome of the Rock, in January.

And below is me and my friend Lindsay. She's a really cute girl. We were in the tomb, watching an old Jewish lady praying, trying to be so quiet for her...then her cell phone went off and she started chattering in Hebrew.


  1. Lindsay looks like a fun girl! Bring some Nokut whatever home for me!

  2. haha. Mands, nok out bars are Ice cream bars--that would be hard to bring home! Plus I always thought they were a little bit of a rip off. Who pays 12 sheckles for an ice cream bar? not me--only when I was desperate. Jess, it looks awesome. When you get to the end of the trip you will be aching not to leave--so remember the homesickness now so that it will help you go home. Trust me, you will soon consider Jerusalem HOME. And I'm so glad Hilary is there with you, that would be so fun. Are you liking falafels yet? My favorite place was a 7 sheckle stand right inside damascus gate where the road forks. love you dear and hang in there--its totally worth it!

  3. i say good ice cream is good ice cream..... whatever the cost. :) it looks fun! so cool being able to see different cultures worship. love you!

  4. SO cool. Did you get your camera fixed or still borrowing one?

  5. Oh I love this jess. Jeru is beautiful. Like you.
