Thursday, March 3, 2011

Friends Can Be So Nice!

My cool cool cool friend and roomie and role model and everything I have yet to become...Kaitlin O' wrote the nicest blog post, dedicated to moi, and I honestly think it's the nicest thing ever. For reals, I was so excited when I found out. And I want to show my mom that I've made friends here, so,
Here's the link :)
Thank you Kate, from the bottom of my heart! I love that girl so much.
Also, if I ever get behind on my blogging, or you just want to see something that's actually cute, check hers out.


  1. Jess, she's right! You're so great and don't even know it. I love that about you! You should tell her that her blog is incredibly cute. I love it.

  2. Oh that was PERFECT!!! I love her already! she's an angel and I'm so happy that she knows you so well. Friend blessings. Made me miss you even more.
