Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First Week

I can't believe I've made it one week. Well, it certainly feels like it's been much longer than a week. And then I realize that I know about 5 words in Lithuanian, and I realize that I'm grateful I have 9 more weeks to go. My first days here were pretty crazy. They seriously don't give you time to breathe! I was like... um...can I have two seconds to think about what in the heck I'm doing here?! Hahah, it's eased up, or I've just I'm happier. I'm not as homesick as I thought I would be. Not to say anything about you guys, but I think the Lord knew I would have too much to handle and I'd have a serious nervous breakdown if I was homesick on top of all the change and stress and language. Maybe once I grasp the language a little more I'll have more time to think about home. Lithuanian is pretty crazy sounding. I listen to it, and can hardly pick out anything familiar. I have so much more to learn! My teachers are all sweethearts though. The first day though, my teacher sat down with me and asked me stuff, I just started crying. I couldn't understand A WORD and he was expecting me to!? Hehee, my tears softened his heart and he helped me out. Lithuaninan is luckily a Latin alphabet, but there are 32 letters, so just a few more. So much better than a crazy time Armenian alphabet, which is what my comp is learning.
I have a companion, her name is Sister Beal. I'm adjusting to having a companion. I have a phobia of things like people listening to me going to the bathroom, so, it's an adjustment. Plus, I always want to be like, "i'll meet ya there!" or "let's just meet in 5 minutes, i'll be upstairs." so, yeah. But, it should hopefully become more natural. She's nice, and we're trying to work out our schedules, since we're learning different languages and have different things at different times. So, we're both considered "Solo" sisters, because we're the only girls learning our languages right now. Here's the catch--I'm actually the ONLY one learning Lithuaninan in the MTC right now. So, I'm totally alone. Like, studying, in class, all the time--I'm just by myself or with my teacher, one on one. When they told me I was like, what? Is that a joke?! Somebody had BETTER need me when I'm getting there! Because it's so lonely without anyone to speak with. They give us investigators that we prepare for, and everyone else talks with their classmates about preparing to teach their investigator, but I can't talk to anyone outside of my teacher, because they all have their own things to worry about. But, my goal this week is to work on my attitude, and stop feeling sorry for myself. Because, I seriously am fine. And have been SO blessed with teachers who are great, and that's so wonderful. Plus, now I'll appreciate actually getting to Lithuanina 938 times more! Because I'll finally have somebody to speak with me!
Not that I can speak now anyway...
I've been pleasantly surprised by the kindness of the elders here. I thought they'd all be annoying, but they're mostly really nice to us sisters. But maybe I just feel like that because I don't have them in my class, so I'm not with them very much. Elder Baxter is in my district (there's just 5 of us in our district, all going to the Baltics, the 4 are learning Latvian, I'm learning Lith.) and I'm so grateful he is! He's so fun having a buddy from home, even if I was his piano teacher :) The cafeteria food...not a pleasant surprise, although I wish it was. It's not great. But I'll prob still get chubs anyway, what a waste :)
I've been able to see lots of friends here! Sarah Griggs, Nelle Tamang, Mels Fitzgerald. I see Mels a lot actually, and it's so fun seeing a familiar face! Esecpially in such a crazy place. We're on the same floor, and I'm always so happy to see her. Thank you so much for all the mail I got this week! IT MADE ME SO HAPPY!!! PLEASE mom, thank the Beehives for sending me a package! It was a Thanksgiving one,with a chocolate turkey, and I love it!!! Sister Flathers sent it. And then, Sis Evans sent me a MASSIVE box of cookies. I am just like, OKAY, wow, thank you! So please thank them for me!!! I appreciated it so much. Also, thank you for the rice crackers. I got them this morning. Good bye breakfast, hello rice crackers. Plus, jump rope = intense! I'll use it for sure.
Elder Christofferson spoke to us yesterday for devo. Mmhmm, be jealous. It was so good! He talked about how yeah, learning a language is hard, welcome to the club. I needed that. Plus, that we're like the Apostles companions in this work, and they really appreciate us. It was so sweet.
I'm trying to get the hang of everything, so I can focus more on the Spirit, and why I'm here. I feel like this week I was just running around, overwhelmed at the newness and getting used to my schedule and everything, and I didn't get a chance to even pray, for reals. But,this week should be much better. I can't believe Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Bum. I definitely will miss it. But, I have my chocolate turkey, so, I'm counting my blessings :)
I'm trying hard to be a good mish. Make y'all proud :) People are very adamant here about only singing church music (I always get Kesha songs in my head...ooops, of all non-church music, I shouldn't pick Kesha) and being exactly obedient and I'm trying hard to adopt that attitude. I'm not quite there yet. I still question some of the rules here, and some of the changes we're supposed to be making, but, then I remember that I'm supposed to be representing Jesus Christ, and I'm trying to be better about it.
Seriously, it's the best thing. It lets me not worry about anything at home, and just worry about things here. But, I'm doing fine! I'm hoping that it stops feeling like camp sometimes. What, with the group showers and strict schedules and all--sometimes I feel like I'm at Clear Creek, minus the pot gut traps. Except, in real life, it's much better than Clear Creek, or anything like that.
I LOVE YOU! I think about you and miss you and THANK YOU so much for everything. Plus, all your Dear Elders worked, despite the sketchiness of the website.
Loves, Sesuo Madson
(pronounced Sess-wa)

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